Nail fungus on the toes – this is a disease that is infectious in origin. Its formation is affected by the pathogenic organisms that are called epidermofitia. Infected with fungus can both men and women, and completely at any age. To understand the presence of fungal diseases can on grounds such as itching, redness, change in the structure of the nail. Quickly to cure the disease is quite difficult, but quite real at home.

Effective medications
For quick treatment of fungus on the toes, you can use antifungal tablets. Their action is directed at eliminating infection not only in its outward manifestations, but in all tissues.
The composition contains components which inhibit the development of athlete's foot, eliminate the fungus and stimulate the regeneration of healthy tissue.
Traditional methods
As a complement to drug therapy can be a remedy. Of course, this is not a panacea, but simple recipes can quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms and can.
Alcoholic solution of iodine has antiseptic and disinfectant effect. It has a direct effect on the fungus, eliminating it. To apply this remedy only allowed if no allergic reactions.
You need to take a 5% iodine solution is applied to the damaged nail. Do this procedure 2 times a day. It should also be treated with iodine healthy nails as prevention. The duration of treatment is 20-30 days.
This product is actively used for the treatment of fungus on the toes. The most popular treatment of advanced forms of nail fungus folk remedies is the use of alcohol tincture of garlic. To get it, you need to take equal proportions of alcohol and pulp garlic. Add a small amount of water.
The resulting mass is distributed on the nail plate. You can use garlic to prepare medicinal ointments. To do this, take equal amounts of butter and mush the garlic. Apply the ointment on the affected nail before going to night sleep.
To eliminate fungus on the toes, you can use the vinegar by adding it to a bath. Just before the procedure, be sure to spread my legs. Then the container is put 9% vinegar and water.
The solution should be warm to put your legs down and keep them there for about 15 minutes. After the procedure, wipe your feet with a towel. To make such bath every day for 2 weeks. The duration of therapy depends on the stage of the lesion with nail fungus.
Hydrogen peroxide

This product is known for its properties that reduce inflammation. Quickly to eliminate the fungus by using hydrogen peroxide is possible only in an early stage of development. Use the tool to prepare the solution for warm baths.
The capacity to pour warm water, put 3% hydrogen peroxide. Lower the legs to the pelvis and hold it there for 15 minutes. After wiping with a towel, without washing with water.
To quickly cure fungus on your toes, you should treat the affected nails with the juice of celandine. To do this procedure every 6 hours. Still it is possible to prepare medicinal solution of celandine. For this to take 1.2 l of boiling water, 1 Cup of leaves of celandine.
Pour the leaves with water and wait an hour. Apply the resulting composition to the bath. To hold them every 6 hours, and their duration is 15 minutes. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease.
To prepare effective remedy against fungus, you need to take a lemon, cut it into thin slices, and then apply to affected nail plate. On-on lemon, you can put a piece of gauze, secure the compress with a bandage. To carry out such actions for 12 days.
This product has a bactericidal, bacteriostatic and fungicidal effect. In its application fails to remove itching, inflammation, accelerate the healing process.
For the treatment of fungus use swabs soaked in 20% alcohol tincture of propolis. With regular use of propolis diseased nails fall off, and all tissue repair.
Features of treatment of the running, toe nail fungus
If you need to get rid of neglected infectious diseases, in dermatology there are several proven ways: surgery, laser and medications
Surgical way
Using a scalpel, it is possible to remove the infected nail and partially occupy the soft tissue. Additionally appointed drug therapy. Improvement occurs immediately after grew a new plate.
This method is safe, but painful. It happens after a long period of rehabilitation. Can occur a variety of complications that manifest in the form of damage matrices, and the formation of scars in the epithelium of the skin.
An alternative surgical method are special chemical compounds. They can dissolve the affected plate without the use of surgery. The patient is able to remove the infected surface their own efforts.
The use of laser
To carry out this procedure necessary in the hospital environment. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the fact that the spores are heated to a temperature that can destroy them. With a laser, you can quickly eliminate the infection, if you perform coagulation of vessels. A positive effect can be obtained after 4 visits to a specialist. The procedure lasts 15 minutes. Perform 1 time per month.
Before carrying out the manipulation of the nail is cut down and treated with a solution against fungal infections. After laser treatment you can not worry that there will be complications. The only disadvantage with this therapy is high cost.

The most popular method is the use of drugs. In this case you will need to use simultaneously systemic and local medicines. Assign the necessary drugs can only the doctor.
Fungus of the toenails can quickly be cured only provided that therapy was started directly on the first stage of its development. If the infection has for long time been impressed with the nail, then deal with this problem more complicated. But do not worry, as even launched swarms of fungus is the sentence simply the duration of treatment of nail fungus will be longer.